Pricing offer request

With this questionnaire, we will guide you through all relevant options we are able to offer in your website or e-commerce solution.
While clicking your way through the options, additional choices will show up allowing us an in dept analysis in your preferred solution.
Once completed, please send us your inquiry at the bottom of this form.

We will return to you within 3 working days with a preliminary pricing offer, showing detailed prices of each chosen option and other additionally added requirements.
In case we need more clarification, we will contact you as soon as possible by e-mail or provided phone number.

* Fields marked with a red asteriks are mandatory


With this question we try to determine whether your offered services overview will need a limited or more extended amount of descriptive information shown on your website. Based on your answer we will propose either a home page embedded, a brief one page overview of all services or a multi page setup with 1 page for every offered service.
Our CMS platform allows us to delegate maintenance tasks on your website to your organization, by applying permissions to certain administrative roles. Based on your preferred maintenance freedom as selected above, we set out a customized maintenance layers on top of our standard admistrative interface. You will find the additional cost for this one time setup in our final pricing offer.